Nag Less, Pray More

Those Dates that Stick Out in your Mind

David grew as tall as his father about the time he obtained his driver’s license.

As soon as I wrote the date this morning, I scratched my head, trying to recollect why this date stuck out to me so much…  I know that March 23 is my paternal grandfather’s birthday, but he passed away when I was four years old, so that didn’t explain the draw.  Then Facebook reminded me that eight years ago on this date, my firstborn obtained his driver’s license.

I remember the grin on his face after his successful exam, as if he could do anything in the world.  I was so proud of him, yet I hoped that it wouldn’t mean that he felt that he outgrew his need for us.

This piece of paper or the date, March 23, 2009, may not seem like that big of a deal to most people, but it represents the beginning of my children’s independence.  David no longer had to ask me for rides in the trusty family van, and he could give his sister rides where she needed to go.  I missed the conversations we would have while driving places, but I confess it was so helpful to have an enthusiastic and capable substitute when I couldn’t drive or didn’t want to.  It was also the beginning of my independence.

Each time that he pulled out of the driveway, I would marvel that my boy was old enough to drive and say a silent prayer for his safety.  Eight years later, I still marvel…and I still pray.

What are the dates that stick out in your mind?



  1. Sandra Kenney

    Right now it’s the date my redheaded grandson was born, 3/17-St. Patrick’s Day. My first grandson was born 10/31-Reformation Day 😉. And now my 2nd granddaughter is due 7/2- will she be an Independence Day girl? Recently my oldest granddaughter (the one and only for 12 years) remarked that her birthday might be the only one that is not a holiday, 1/24. But I reminded her that the day was special because she was born- the 1st grandchild. Birthdays are a big deal with us, so this has been great fun!

    It’s the season of grandchildren that brings a harkening back to younger days. But being a grandma is the crown of motherhood. Thank You Jesus for such delight!❤


      Sandra, it is so important to celebrate important days! It’s a great way to remind our descendants just how precious they are to us, no matter how old they are. I’m so looking forward to grandparenthood…but I’ll be patient until it’s my turn. In the meantime, I’ll rejoice with you!

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