Dear Younger Self,

You are a great anticipater.  You look forward to any vacation, family get-together, holiday, and event.  You inflate it like a balloon in your mind, and then, when it is over, you tend to go into a state of mourning as the mental balloon bursts and the event has passed.

When I was researching this blog series, I asked many wise friends what advice they would give their younger self, and my friend, Gail, whom you haven’t met yet, mentioned that it’s not productive to long for what once was.  It puts you in a much better frame of mind when you are thankful for the time you had and you carry the positive memories instead of lamenting the fact that it’s over.

This can apply to so many situations in your life.  You would be sadly surprised by the number of people you are close to who die well before their time.  Don’t grieve the loss.  Celebrate the memory instead.

So cherish the time, live in the moment, take many pictures, and be grateful for the time you had,

This post is part of a  31 Day Blogging Challenge entitled Advice to my Younger Self.  Please click here  to find all the posts in this series.  You’ll be glad you did!