Nag Less, Pray More

God is good, God is bigger, and God is faithful.

Dear Younger Self,

You will be going through so much in the next three decades and beyond, but these ten words can get you through both the best and the worst days:

They are a form of worship and trust in a God who always keeps His promises.   They are words you can hang onto with your fingertips as you feel yourself slipping down a difficult metaphorical cliff.  They bring hope to any situation.  They give credit to the One who deserves all glory, honor, and praise.

All three of these phrases are always true:

God is good

Everything God does is flawless and is meant to bless us, grow us, and/or transform us.  This doesn’t mean that everything you go through will always feel good, but you can trust that God Himself is always good.  When you are going through tough experiences, you can be confident that God is at work in your life and wouldn’t have you going through it if it wasn’t for your greater good.

God is bigger

Nothing exists that outranks, outsizes, outwits, outlasts, or outplays God.  God is all-powerful and so much higher than we can ever think or imagine.   His ways are so much higher than our ways, and His thoughts are so much higher than our thoughts as proclaimed in Isaiah 55:9,  “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

God is faithful

God wants relationship with you.    He is constantly at work to bring you closer to Himself because He loves you so very much.  He will never give up on you.  Even when you might feel forsaken, the truth is that He is right there with you.  He is a promise-keeper, and you can depend on Him in every situation.  You can never go the wrong way if you are following Him.

Younger self, if I told you all the joys and trials you will go through in your life, I doubt you’d believe me.  That doesn’t matter.  God is what matters, and He is always good, always bigger, and always faithful!

This post is part of a  31 Day Blogging Challenge entitled Advice to my Younger Self.  Please click here  to find all the posts in this series.  You’ll be glad you did!




  1. sharybary

    My younger self would have appreciated this advice as well! It is so true!


      Thanks, Sharybary! I feel like I still need to tell myself this every day before I even get out of bed 🙂

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