Dear Younger Self,

You have a life-changing choice in this world.  Are you going to pursue joy, or are you going to allow negative thoughts to hijack your day?  You are going to have both wonderful and horrible things happen to you throughout each day of your life.  How you choose to react to them will determine the kind of person you are.   You will face this choice countless times each day.

For any situation, you can find both a bright side and a gloomy side.  I encourage you to embrace optimism instead of getting “sucked into the yuck.”  Once you have allowed your thoughts to deteriorate to that deeply negative place, it is much harder to climb out of that deep hole and you may unconsciously pull others into the hole by your grumpy outlook.  Instead, look for the benefits, blessings, and lessons at every juncture in your life, instead of complaining and grumbling.   You will enjoy being around yourself much more, and you will be a better companion and positive influence on others.


This post is part of a  31 Day Blogging Challenge entitled Advice to my Younger Self.  Please click here  to find all the posts in this series.  You’ll be glad you did!