It’s so easy to become discouraged when life does not progress according to our timetable.   We live in an instant world that expects instant gratification.   When we don’t see results, we want to stop.

I have been on a weight loss journey for the past two and a half years.  At first, the weight came off quickly with not too much effort.  I have gradually increased my exercise time and protein and water intake while reducing my sugar, fats, and carbohydrates.   As time has progressed, the weight loss has slowed even though I have stayed true to a healthy lifestyle.  Now I am at a plateau that seems to be transforming into a mountain.   When I ran into this obstacle in my 20s and 30s, I gave up my healthy habits and consoled myself with chocolate.  I am determined to change my ways and dig in my heels in the difficulty.

Even though I may not see instant results, I will “keep on keeping on.”  I will continue to pull on my running tights even when they fit a bit more snug.  I will continue to lift weights instead of keeping my hand in the candy bowl and my body on the couch.    I will see setbacks as opportunities  to develop my character and strength.  And I will continue to place one foot in front of the other.