Nag Less, Pray More

Pay Attention to the Character of the Friends You Make

Dear Younger Self,

You need friends even though you are an introvert.  Friends can enrich your life beyond your expectations, or they can lead you down a very dark path.  You may think that you can change others, but it’s more likely that they will influence you.  Make sure you evaluate people before you get too close to them.   Do not surround yourself with negative people who have a history of making poor choices.  After you have spent time with friends, ask yourself if they make you a better or a worse version of who you want to be.

Does this mean that you should never reach out to people who are rough around the edges?  Of course not.  Make sure you practice boundaries in all relationships.  Your preoccupation with pleasing others should not overshadow wise judgement.

Friends are vital throughout your life and become even more treasured the older you get.  Invest in quality friends, and the dividends of happiness will be immense.

This post is part of a  31 Day Blogging Challenge entitled Advice to my Younger Self.  Please click here  to find all the posts in this series.  You’ll be glad you did!



  1. Martha G. Brady

    hi julie, great post. wise advice! also agree with the caveat. we don’t want to only have the friends who make good decisions. at some point, we need to reach out in mission. we just need to realize what we are doing. which are the friends who are wise. which are the friends we need to be careful with.

  2. sharybary

    Friends are priceless treasures! Invest well! I love your series! I’ve missed some of them.

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